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    Since 2001, Sense-lang has been providing a free, very unique and user-friendly typing course. Our learning method has been proven to help millions of people around the world learn, practice, and improve their typing speed and accuracy.

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    Play typing Games.

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    Access the account to practice your class' assignments, lessons and tests.

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    Touch typing tutorials will guide you through locating and memorizing the letters and numbers on your keyboard and numeric keypad.  

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    free online typing test Test your touch-typing level to see how you are doing in terms of typing speed and accuracy.



    Certify your touch-typing skill with an official diploma

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    Sense-lang provides a full package for those who want to learn typing: how to type instructions, free typing games online, typing test, Certification diploma and more.

    How to type efficiently

    The type learning zone includes free typing tutorials and a numeric keypad tutorial. The typing learning experience is designed to moderately increase complexity with every typing lesson when new characters are added for each lesson on top of the previously learned characters.
    The free typing games were exclusively developed for the website with great concern for the user’s needs. The typing games are divided for 3 main typing game types:

    1. Games which practice letters separately.
    2. Games which practice words separately.
    3. Games which practice full sentences / paragraphs.
    There is logic behind playing each type game. After / while following the typing tutors, practice mainly separate letters games. After confidence is gained, the time to step up for the words practice arrives. The last phase, once the typing basics are rooted, is the ultimate challenge that to be faced - games which practice full text. Obviously, fun is an essential element for educational practice and therefore there’s no need to get too strict with these guidelines. Just enjoy each of the free typing games.

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